First There Was Innocence...
That gorgeous little guy is none other than our Bridegroom-to-Be, Kevin
Daignault, at the mature old age of 5 months. Notice the photogenic
poise with which he holds his head up high! He knows that there is an angel
out there who can't resist a guy from Providence, R.I.? With cheeks like that don't you just want to kiss
A year later and we have golden locks of hair and a big
smile. Look at those high tops sparkle. You can see Kevin's serious
sensitive side in those big beautiful eyes! It's clear by the way Kevin is
holding that white rabbit that he has a future with animals!
At 3 1/2 years old Kevin demonstrated his equestrian
skills. Look at the calm with which he rides that horse. He's the boss
-- do we see a future rodeo star?...
Followed by the School Years...
At 8 and 1/2 years old we see our man in uniform -- a Cub Scout uniform that is --
Kevin has earned
his Bobcat, Webelows and Bear badges and with that smile is without question a scout
who "will do my best to do my duty to God and Country..."
That neat uniform and big
smile are convincing that Kevin is a man who will always "be prepared"
-- but for what you might ask? One thing we know for sure, he is preparing
for a Big Future with the right gal...
And we all know those Erb women always fall for men in
Kevin loves hockey and his favorite team is none other
than the Montreal Canadiens. Here we see our suitor at 9 years old all
decked out in his hockey gear. We know Kevin was dedicated to getting as
much "ice time" as possible and if it was a choice between studying
after school or hitting the local pond or ice rink -- what choice do you think
won out?

At 13 years old in 1984 we see a big smile on Kevin -- must have just finished reading George Orwell's Book 1984.
It's amazing what
time will do -- this picture is only 8 months later than the one above and you
can see the maturity of adolescence taking place. Another great smile --
clearly Kevin must have been a very happy boy!!!
Here we have Kevin at the start of High
School at 14 years old
(left) and his graduation picture 3 years later (right) -- what a handsome
young man!
Ladies check out that gorgeous head
of hair -- unfortunately it is committed to a young lady from Fairfield,
Connecticut -- Wayne Gretzky would be proud!
And - oh yes - the college years! Kevin clearly
exhibited those life filled qualities of any college student. Do we see
a "Party Hardy kind of guy"? Are we a bit
"out-of-sorts" in that bottom picture -- wouldn't be from strumin'
that old guitar would it? Certainly the Hawaiian Lei and those shades in
that top picture signify something? We understand that the top
graduates wanted to separate them from the rest of the class
-- that certainly did it -- ingenious impromptu action...
Kevin and Family...
Kevin's sister, Debbie is here
with her husband Chris. What a beautiful couple.
This picture was taken of Debbie
and Chris on May 6th, 1995.
brother, Eugene is here
with his wife Leona. Another beautiful couple.
This picture was taken of Leona
and Eugene when they renewed their wedding vows on
January 23rd, 1999.
Kevin with his family. This family portrait of the
Daignault family from left to right is Kevin's father, Eugene, Kevin seated
next to his sister, Debbie. Standing behind Kevin is his brother, Eugene
and to the right is Kevin's mother, Sylvia.
Kevin is pictured here with his Grandfather in January
1986. The occasion is in celebration of his Grandfather's Birthday.
We can't forget Kevin's cats! Here they are
calmly resting.
And last but not least - Kevin's Honda Shadow - His love for Rhonda is so
great he sold his "Honda Shadow VLX Deluxe" just for her! Now
guys tell me if that isn't "true love."

Our Kevin...