
25 Years The Way We were…

To My Wife, K.C.

Rodney K. Erb

If 25 years ago… I could have asked God to direct my life's course to find my one TRUE love, He did...

If 25 years ago… I could have been shown the trials and tests I would have to endure and then been given the choice to do it all over AGAIN with you, I would...

If 25 years ago… I could have asked God to make OUR love stand the test of time, He has...

If 25 years ago… I was told that tomorrow I must die but I could retain the spiritual BOND to eternally live on with you, I could…

If 25 years ago… I could have asked God to give me ALL I expected and asked for in you, He did...

If 25 years ago… I asked God that I be given the TIME to allow our love to mature to pure charity, He has...

If 25 years ago… I wanted our love to be SHARED with each other always and all ways, it has...

12/18/1971 - 12/18/1996 (25_years.doc)

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