A Walk Through The Grass...

Rodney K. Erb
At half-time I went to walk through the grass,
I was searching for their names as each headstone I'd pass...
I found Cavaleri, John, one each, and bowed my head,
Plot XXVI, Row G, it really was 2 years he now had been dead...
A quiet life, a fighter, a salute that carried him to God,
A tear dropped as I carefully backward began to trod...
I love you man! We missed your smile at this reunion,
It wasn't the same, I'll say a prayer at my next communion...
Then my body trembled as my mind did flash,
Back to July 2nd, 1967 and the man in the red sash...
729 "Professionally Done, '71" new cadets survived that
Cannon fire in the distance and I thought, "On to the fray..."
I walked into the chapel and felt the somber presence of Christ,
The value of their lives impossible to have ever priced...
In front of me the book where each had been laid to rest,
"They that had gone before," and completed the test...
Duty, Honor, Country, Be Thou at Peace,
Your memory for us will never cease...
Bob Thomasulo, March 15th, 1994...
The date that ended his earthly march with the Corps...
The same row as John with several rocks on his headstone,
I knew someone had cared, he had not been left alone...
Farther along I thought how blessed I am,
We each, at our death, will become a helpless lamb...
I'm alive, with a soul mate to carry me through,
Three children, all successful spirits I'm so proud of you...
Where is Steve Scales? I said good-bye to you not too long ago,
Your ashes, those of us gathered in Michie Stadium, did prayerfully
No rock on "Squat's" headstone nestled in the shade,
I placed one on top and then I prayed...
Born 1 year 1 day before me on August 12th, 1948,
Died November 18th, only days after our 20th, what caused his
Be thou at Peace, John Shoemaker Jr., at 27 you entered your grave,
Why so young? The cannons fired, I saw the flag make a slight
Custer's monument was huge in the glorious sunlight right next
Rows and rows of names of those who've gone before...
A child of a classmate, I could not appreciate the pain of outliving
a child,
The flag with the '71 crest. Who is this? My head I solemnly bowed...
Richard Whitfield, died in 1970, of cancer as I did recall,
Buried next to his Mom and Dad, '48, a ray of sun on them did
Together in heaven say a prayer for me!
The cannons fired again must mean certain Army victory...
I approached a headstone in the shape of a football, it would
The closer I got, I could see in the sunlight it did gleam...
Earl "Red" Blake, Class of 1920, 1897-1989,
"On Brave Old Army Team" inscribed for all time,
He must be proud for sure today,
An Army victory I know was sent by 30,000 voices his way...
Later I found out West Point had 37 points, Ohio U 20, a happy
Along the Hudson, a scene so beautiful, fit for a king to see...
I missed the grave of Tom Pazak, a tragic death only weeks ago,
The anguish of his loss only his family could know...
I left that cemetery very proud and walking tall just then,
My reunion complete after visiting these very close and special
We living were honored today, at the pass in review,
But someday we will all be together in heaven with each of you...
9/12/1996 - 9/15/1996 (clasmate.doc)
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