
Chapter 8
Rodney K. Erb
DanCavJon was thrilled he was now half his age,
He then turned and asked the young man, "Are you a page?..."
The young man stared at him with a questioning face,
"No, Sir, I am not sure what a "page" is my grace"...
Just then DanCavJon realized to his concern,
This young man is from another world he must learn...
He doesn't know of or understand the planet earth,
This is another globe, not the location of DanCavJon's birth...
And just as DanCavJon was about to ask the next question,
There was a loud noise in a easterly direction...
It was like no other sound he had heard of before,
And it sent chills down his spine with each roar...
The young man who looked like a squire,
Grabbed his cloak and his sword became his new attire...
He was quick and steady, poised for the attack,
DanCavJon had no idea what was approaching at his back...

There before them was a white dragon so big and huge,
The kind wizard and young squire had no where to find refuge...
Marbrad stood poised with a gleam in his eye,
He surely knew the outcome and he was not the one to die...
The dragon spewed fire at them and DanCavJon caught on fire,
The situation for them looked very dire...
So Marbrad quickly pulled off his cloak,
And threw it around DanCavJon and the flames did choke...
But, as the dragon prepared for another strike,
Marbrad stood his ground and told that monster to take a hike...
And at that moment without further adieu,
This huge white dragon certainly withdrew...
DanCavJon was amazed at the apparent control Marbrad had,
Why did the dragon leave looking so sad?
DanCavJon then asked Marbrad, "Why did that beast decide
to leave?"
"By what power, his departure were you able to achieve?"
Marbrad responded, "Many of our creatures seem so huge and
"But really they are quite tame, though their control does
"The creature that accidentally spewed out his fire on thee",
"Is Ramos, a wonderful old dragon that can barely see..."
"He tries to be friendly, but his exuberance and intensity",
"Can cause him to miss his mark, as you can see"...
"That doesn't make him a bad dragon by any means",
"We just have to be careful and observe which way he leans..."
"My motion to strike him with my golden sword",
"Hurt his feelings so he flew off, embarrassed my lord"...
"But I'll bet he'll return in a few minutes or so",
"Not for long because dragons must be on the go"...
"Ramos loves to play with the children down in the village",
"They would play games while he pretended to plunder and
"Here he comes again, ignore him and he'll fly away",
"He thinks we all are little children who like to play"...
Whoosh, Ramos, flew passed them and then hovered overhead,
He elected to depart to another place instead...
So that was an experience that was exciting in the least,
Thank heaven Ramos on them didn't feast...

This is and shall never be the untimely end,
But simply the beginning of another stage of the continuous legend...
9/05/1996 - 9/13/1996 (BOOK3.DOC)
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