•Mentoring Activities
lPair less experienced Project Managers with experienced Project Managers
lMentor to assist in specific disciplines such as Scope Creation, Plan Development, Issue/Change Management and Focus Group Organization and Meetings
lMaintain a Project Manager Training Profile and Training Plan
lSkill Level I - Introduction To The Project Service
lSkill Level II - Introduction To Project Management At Your Org.
lSkill Level III - Self-regulated Selection of Ten Courses
l Your Organization Certificate
- Successful Completion of Training
and of the Research / Planning Phases
Using Project Service Methodology, with the Project
Manager’s Supervisor’s Approval.
Ø Eligible - Level III Training
Ø Entitled - Cash Award / Palm
Pilot Organizer
lPMI Certificate - Successful
Completion of the Project Management
l Institute
Certification Program (Included in Level III Training)