Today you are 65 years young and on this date in history...
Scientist, physicist and chemist
Marie (Madame) Curie
IN CASE OF YOU on Album BLUE is a song by
Joni Mitchell
SIXTH ECUMENTICAL COUNCIL of the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches met on this date in 681
THE NEW REPUBLIC political magazine was Founded on this date in 1914
You are 19 years younger than
Al Attles of the Golden State Warriors, known as the "Destroyer", born in 1936
Future Russian revolutionary, political theorist and politician
Leon Trotsky was born in 1879
Versatile MSNBC television anchor, actor, political commentator Lawrence O'Donnell Jr. was born on this date in 1951
Elephant characterization of the Republican Party by cartoonist
Thomas Nast was created on this date in 1874
n this date
Joseph R. Biden Junior won Pennsylvania and was elected the 46th President of the United States in 2020
BIG YELLOW TAXI on her Album LADIES OF THE CANYON is a song by
Joni Mitchell who was born on this date in 1943